Hugh Garner, in his short story “One-Two-Three Little Indians” is able to tell us how racism is still present between natives and Caucasian in Canada. Garner uses characterization to help us display that racism is present, and how natives are been treated like objects and are seen as native stereotype, not a person. We are able to see throughout the story how he exposes racism with many examples where natives are been put down by white people. The racism is present through the story in two main examples: The illuminated sign and the feathers of his hat.
At first, Garner point of a passage where stereotype and racism are been exposed. The author is able to express how Caucasian believe in stereotype and how the main protagonist is able to sell more baskets using the band with feathers. In this passage “Placing the baskets in a pile on the shoulder of the road, he adjusted the corduroy band on his head, so that the feather stuck up at the rear. He knew that by doing so he became part of the local colour, “a real Indian with a feather’n everything”, and also that it helped him sell his baskets. In the time he had been living along the highway he had learned to give them what they expected.” We definitely acknowledge that Caucasian are very stereotypical and will buy more if they think it’s authentic or as they perceive as “real”. Racism and stereotypes are also present is this part of the short story, Indians are being use as a tool to attract more tourists and increase sales.
Then, toward the end of the short story garner present us a passage, where you could easily see how Caucasians are been racist against natives. He describes an illuminated sign across the road that reads “Cooper trailer camp- hot and cold running water, rest rooms. Fishing and boating – Indians guide.” Without any doubt, we are able to see by ourselves how this sign is been racist against natives. The fact that the author write Indians guide, make us think that natives are been presented just as object to help tourist feel at ease. Also, if you travel on road across America you wouldn’t be able to see a sign saying “Caucasian guides” or “White guides” considering Caucasians are the majority of the population. Caucasians are been racist and how this is one of the many examples, how we are able to observe this fact in our daily life.
Finally, we conclude that racism is present through the whole short story, the author try to convince us that racism is still present in Canada and stereotype as well. After reading the short story, we are able to really notice how racism still exist and some believe of Caucasian will never change. On the other hand, there is still a little hope that racism will be reduce or better yet eliminate from our life. Garner was able to point out racism without putting down his protagonist or worst qualifying him as an object. At last, we learn how racism is an important subject and shouldn’t be kept quiet.
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